The project team of the Girls Education project supported by the Japanese government made its first visit to 
the three pilot schools (Degehabur, Kebridehar, and Gode) in the Somali region of Ethiopia from 13-17 January 
2014. IICBA's team also held discussion with the deputy head of the regional education bureau and the district 
and/or town counsil education bureau heads where the three schools are located. The team briefed the stakeholders 
on the planned activities of the project. Accordingly, meetings were held with the management staff of the three schools, 
teachers and the girl students in grades 9 and 10 that the project focuses on.

The three-year project aims to reduce the dropout rate of girls in the pilot schools and increase their learning outcomes. It has a 
training, advocacy and income generating scheme to support needy girls in the schools.

IICBA would like to take this opportunity to extend its gratitude to unicef Ethiopia, especially the Jigjiga sub-office, for providing the 
vehicles and drivers required to carry out the mission. The World Food Program office at Kebridehar and Gode also deserve a note 
of thanks for accommodating IICBA's team in their guest house.