Governance: Constitution


A small group of teacher educators attending an assembly of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP) in London, England in 1953, formed the International Council on Education for Teaching to meet a growing need for worldwide cooperation in improving the quality of the teaching profession. During the next two decades, ICET built a steadily increasing network of members concerned with teacher education and all forms of education and training related to national development. Today, ICET has achieved many of the goals of its founders, providing its members with access to a worldwide resource network of organizations, personnel, programs, research, specialized consultative services, and training opportunities.
ICET was formally incorporated in the District of Columbia, USA in 1973. The Articles of Incorporation establish the basic organizational and membership structure of ICET and grant the Council status as a corporation under the District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation Act.

Initially governed through a Constitution, ICET adopted Bylaws at the time of its incorporation. The Bylaws are a set of internal rules of procedure for resolving various issues and conducting business. These internal procedural rules may be amended by the Board of Directors. Amendments are presented to the membership at the annual business meeting and become effective immediately, provided no objections from a majority of the members present and voting at that meeting are received.

ICET's initial Constitution established a Board of Directors as its governing body. The Board of Directors determines the goals and objectives of the Council and executes the governance responsibilities stipulated in the Bylaws.  Members of the Board represent colleges, universities, ministries of education, government agencies, the private sector, national research institutes, and other teacher preparation institutions worldwide.

As required by the Articles of Incorporation, ICET appoints Officers to conduct the essential business of the Council. Officers are appointed by the Board of Directors, and, with the exception of the Secretary, are members of the Board. The President presides over assemblies of the Board and of the membership and is responsible for the management and administration of the Council's affairs and its central office. The Treasurer exercises custodianship of its financial resources. The Board Chairperson presides over assemblies of the Board and the membership.  


The ICET bylaws represent the manual informing the actions of those responsible for governing the organization. They define the:

  1. Size of the board and how it will function
  2. Roles and duties of key position-holders of the organization
  3. Rules and procedures for holding meetings, selecting Board Members, and appointing Board Members to key positions on the Board 

Since 1953, ICET has approved four major revisions of the bylaws  

    1968 -  the revised structure after relocation of ICET to Washington DC ( see p.39 )
    2003 - the re-establishment of activities after two years of inactivity 
    2014 - the redefining of the President, Chair and Emeritus Board Member roles. This version represents the current bylaws.
    2023 - Redefined President and Treasurer roles. Removal of Board of Trustees