How we do it
ICET improves the educational experiences and outcomes of learners in all parts of the world by connecting people and ideas through three key activities:
World Assemblies: Since 1953 ICET World Assemblies have provided an international forum for persons interested in discussing ideas and publishing materials about for the exchange of information and the discussion about the way educators are recruited, prepared, certified and supported in different parts of the world.
Participation Grants: Since 2005 UNESCO Participation Grants have assisted ICET with fostering international cooperation for improving the quality of recruitment, preparation and support efforts for teachers, administrators and other education specialists in Africa through the development of national, regional and international networks.
Capacity Building Campaigns: In 2018, ICET began mobilizing resources to promote cooperation between non-government organizations, governments and the private sector for the purposes of: closing the teacher gap; encouraging girls to become inspiring teachers and promoting inclusion and equity through the use of ICT’s